Quick Self-Confidence Boosters That Work

If you really need to boost your self-confidence fast, these self-confidence boosters might just work for you! Just pick one and do it whenever you need it, and keep them all in your arsenal for any time.

Visualize Success — When you visualize the thing you want to do ending successfully, including how it will work out, this is a great way to ensure success. For example, if you think of all the roadblocks that might get in your way and how you’ll overcome them, that will help you during the actual event.

Think about Past Successes — One way a person develops self-confidence is by knowing what success feels like. If you’ve had even small successes doing anything, think about those things. Find an image of something that most closely relates what you’re getting ready to do so that you can go through it in your mind and experience the feelings of success.

Remember Something Good — One way to give yourself self-confidence is to just think of a happy time from the past. Think of the time that you felt happiest, most self-confident, and ready to take on the world. You can find that person inside your mind and feel that way moving forward.

Listen to Uplifting Music — Before you embark on anything that needs self-confidence, turn up the music and get positive. Listening to your “fight” music beforehand is a great way to tune into yourself and feel good about what you’re doing.

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10 Optimism Quotes to Inspire You

When you are going through difficult times, when the news is negative, or when you are simply tired and discouraged, it can be hard to summon optimism. Here’s a little inspiration:

1. “No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.” — Helen Keller, author

2. “I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.” — Muhammad Ali, boxing champion

3. “Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and at some point, you will.” — Serena Williams, tennis champion

4. “Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.” — Noam Chomsky, linguist and activist

5. “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill, politician

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Being Optimistic – Not a New Year Resolution

Being Optimistic about things can seem challenging at times. As we sit at the start of 2021 looking back at a year which many of us would rather forget it does feels like we do need to focus on being optimistic about the year ahead. But in what ways?

As we are bombarded by sensationalist and conflicting news reports; we hear daily the latest depressing figures about the virus that seems to bring ever more restrictions on our activity and it is little wonder that many can struggle to muster those feelings of optimism.

I must admit, am not a great one for setting New Year Resolutions, because for me the arbitrary use of the start of a year isn’t really something that works. However, what I do like to do is to try and pivot my mindset to focus on how I want to interact with the world in the year ahead.

In my last tweet of 2020, I commented:

  • Wherever you are, whoever you are with even if just yourself #BeKind in word, thought and deed.
  • Always strive to be the absolute best you can be.
  • Always be the better person.
  • Always be true to yourself.
Continue reading “Being Optimistic – Not a New Year Resolution”

Need More Self-Discipline?

Is self-discipline an area that you need to improve in? If so then hopefully the following tips and advice will help you get to grips with this skill which often challenges people!

Self-discipline is definitely something I am focused on at the moment! As someone who has recently started to undertake formal study again (for the Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement) I am having to be very self-disciplined.

Each day we have choices to make. Wake up early and do some early morning exercise, or get an extra hour of sleep? Pack a healthy lunch to take to work, or buy something at lunchtime? Throw a little extra money in your savings account, or buy that new gadget or pair of shoes you’ve been thinking about all month?

Deep down inside, we know which actions will yield the best results. Yet many of us struggle with making the best decisions. How do we overcome these challenges? Self-discipline is the answer.

Why Is Self-Discipline Important?

If you want to be successful and reach your goals, self-discipline is the most crucial skill to master. Frequently, the best choices aren’t the fastest, easiest, or most pleasant. So you must exercise a high level of control over your emotions and behaviour. Improving your ability to do what is best for you regardless of initial desire is the only way to make consistent progress in life. As such, if self-discipline is your foundational skill, you grow more effective in everything you do.

The Benefits Of Self-Discipline

When you develop a stronger sense of self-control, you can expect multiple improvements across many areas of your life. Here are just a few benefits of self-discipline.

1- Improved Health

First, improving your self-discipline leads to improved physical health. Exercising control over the quality and quantity of food you consume, establishing a regular fitness routine, and drinking enough water help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your chances of illness and disease, and increase your chances of longevity and vitality later in life.

 2- Greater Academic and Career Success

Next, self-discipline helps you make choices that can lead to higher academic and career success. Sometimes you must choose between studying longer hours and spending time out with friends, or staying late after work to complete a project and heading home to relax. Self-discipline helps you see the value of delayed gratification, which pays off down the line.

3- Better Relationships

Third, self-discipline improves your relationships because you become a person who follows through on your commitments. People in your life learn they can trust you to do what you say you will, and they view you more favorably.

4- Better Financial Health

Next, gaining better control over your finances is another direct benefit of self-discipline. While it’s more fun to spend money than it is to save, the disciplined individual sees the long-term benefit of putting money away for a rainy day. That’s not to say you pinch pennies and sacrifice quality of life. Self-discipline isn’t supposed to make you miserable. Instead, it’s about weighing the pros and cons and making decisions that bring you closer to your goals.

Examples of financial self-discipline that don’t require total restriction include regularly putting a certain percentage of each paycheck into your savings account or sticking to a budget that allocates a certain amount of money each month for discretionary spending. You still get to enjoy the present, though, not at the expense of your future.

5- Fewer Regrets

Another benefit of growing more self-disciplined is that you’ll have fewer regrets because you make better choices in the first place.

You’ll eliminate such problems as saying the wrong thing at the wrong time because you’re disciplined enough to think before speaking.

You’ll avoid jumping to conclusions, give yourself time to gather information before making decisions, and make choices based on facts rather than emotion or opinion.

6- Improved Time Management

With an ever-growing list of things vying for our attention, it seems that time is often in short supply. One of the best benefits of self-discipline is improved management of your time.

For example, social media can be the ultimate time-killer if you don’t exercise self-control. While it can be useful at times, you can easily fall into the trap of mindlessly scrolling through news feeds when you could be completing other tasks.

7- See Projects Through To The End

Finally, self-discipline helps you complete tasks and projects that you start, even when you lose steam or desire. Motivation is always high at the beginning of a new goal. Whether it’s a new diet plan, a new business idea, or even new relationships to a certain degree, when things are fresh, there is nothing but excitement and stimulation ahead.

Yet over time, motivation fades, challenges arise, reality sets in, and its tempting to go back to something more familiar or move on to the next shiny object.

Exercising self-control and choosing to finish what you start, within reason, even when you lose motivation and desire means you not only have the finished project under your belt, but you’ve learned lessons and acquired skills you wouldn’t have had you quit.


As the American writer, philosopher and artist, Elbert Hubbard once said, “Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

Understanding the importance of self-discipline, then taking steps to improve this most critical skill is perhaps the best thing you can do for your personal development and likelihood of lifetime success.