5 Simple Steps to Improve Teamwork

Are you looking to improve teamwork? Is your team motivated, energised and enthusiastic? Does your team work well together? Do they look forward to coming to work each day to be a part of the process? If not, it’s time to develop better teamwork and reignite team spirit.

Great teams don’t just happen. Teams are comprised of people. People need to feel both needed and wanted. One of the key factors in getting the most out of your employees is for them to realize they make a difference.

Have you ever wondered why some teams are so quick to work together and others are not? It’s not just down to the manager each and every team member has a responsibility for the effectiveness of the overall team. Each person can add value or can detract from the performance of the team. Ultimately, it’s about the chemistry. When the chemistry is right, teams tend to work more effectively.

5 Simple Steps to Improve Teamwork

  1. Share responsibility among all team members: This is one of the easiest ways to get the team to develop mutual accountability. If team members know they must count on each other, each member will work hard because they don’t want to be the one to let the team down.
  1. Get everyone to understand each person’s strengths: This will aid in getting everyone to work together and build on each other’s strengths and improve overall team performance. We cannot all share the same strength so when Sharon’s strength can assist Bob in an area he doesn’t have a particular strength in, it creates a win-win for the team.
  1. Get each team member on the same page: Too often team members don’t understand how what they do plays into the bigger picture of the organisation. This is critical. Your team will be able to think more critically and problem-solve better when they understand the part their contribution makes to the company as a whole.
  1. Encourage members to praise each other: Like Canadian Geese that honk along their flight, it is important for team members to motivate and encourage each other. One of the largest misconceptions in business today is that motivation must come from management. Motivation must come from within, and each member can play a part in increasing others’ desires to improve and be self-motivated.
  1. Humanise each team member: This one is a little sticky with some employees because they feel they are there to work and not to socialise. While on the surface this is 100% correct, it has been shown that when employees know something about each other as people, they are quicker to empathise and help each other out. One key factor here—don’t press the issue with someone who absolutely does not want to share.

With these tips you should be able to start that journey which will enable you to improve teamwork and get more from your team.

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