
No, not a reflection on the John Lennon song of that name!


…. Imagine a CEO allowing their Sales team to say this:

“Because of the number of enquiries we receive we will only respond if we think you are really going to buy”

But they allow:

“Because of the number of applications we receive we do not respond to unsuccessful candidates”

When I posted that on Twitter one of the responses I received was along the lines of there probably being more people in the Sales Team than there are in the HR/Recruitment Team.

To be honest it has been quite the opposite in some instances I have experienced.

But where that is true then my challenge to CEOs if they want to retain/gain me as a customer would be to resource HR/Recruitment properly to give a good candidate experience – surely it makes sense?

Just imagine if the people at the top of organisations gave as much attention to the candidate experience as they do to the customer experience? They might even get more customers or retain existing customers.

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