Get Offline! Be Kind To Yourself

What’s that? Get Offline? We all spend a lot of time on social media these days. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or anything else, it ends up using a lot of our free time.

Obviously, if you step away from social media, you will have more time to do other things. However, you probably haven’t stopped and thought about the actual, specific benefits to be gained by spending less time online. So, in this article, you will see the 4 benefits of reducing the time you spend on social media.

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Does Kindness Matter Really?

Does kindness matter? Just how important is kindness? Isn’t the popular advice to focus instead on realising our own goals and getting ahead? If that is the case does Kindness matter at all?

Some people play life as if it’s a competitive sport. That means they throw themselves into winning at all costs, with no thought to how their behaviour impacts themselves or anyone around them. While this kind of ruthless pushing to get to the top of the heap might get you there, it’s worth considering if you’ll be able to live with the person you’ve become in the process.

This is because kindness shows us a lot more about ourselves than we realise. Kind people are empathetic which mean they’re in tune with the world around them and carry with them an awareness of the needs of others. What’s more, they’re not shy about acting on those needs in offering a helping hand when it’s required the most. You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”

If you don’t think kindness matters, stop to consider the impact it has on both ourselves and on the world around us. In the next article I will take a look at how kindness matters and helps others.

Let Kindness In To Your Life!

I have written a number of articles over recent months on the topic of kindness. In this new series of articles, with the overall title of Let Kindness In, I will want to take those further and in a structured way take you through how we can rekindle it, or to put it another way, how can we let it in,  in what often feels like an increasingly cruel world. Let’s start by answering the question:

How do we define kindness?

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Inspire Others To Pay It Forward

Can you inspire others to pay it forward? Have you ever heard the phrase, “Kindness is contagious?” Many sayings like this come to become widely known because they have a basis in truth.

Research has found scientific evidence for the fact that kindness can spread in various ways. You’ve surely experienced or witnessed instances in which someone has paid it forward or a movement has spread based on one person’s good deed.

In this post, I would like to explore this concept further and show you just how far-reaching the concept of helping others can be.

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