In recent months it has been almost impossible to avoid the exhortations to “Be Kind” on Social Media with people using the phrase and hashtag #BeKind each time something untoward or upsetting happens. As is almost inevitable those same people exhorting others to “Be Kind” will then move swiftly on to criticise the latest minor celebrity.
Continue reading “Being Kind Every Day”Being Kind To Yourself This New Year
In a previous post I talked about the positive benefits of Being Kind to Yourself. Now I am going to look at several ways to incorporate self-kindness into your daily life.
This is probably one of the most critical habits you’ll ever build. Being kind to yourself means you care enough to take care of yourself. You’re striving to be the best version of yourself possible, which is going to have very positive benefits on both your mental and physical self. This is exciting stuff.
Continue reading “Being Kind To Yourself This New Year”Being Kinder To Others
Let’s take a look at Being Kinder to Others! In my last post I suggested that we should give ourselves the gift of kindness. In this post I want to look at various ways in which we can give others the gift of kindness.
When we start being kinder to others, our world changes. The more you act in kindness, the more opportunities to be kind you’ll notice. What makes this even more special is how this eventually translates to your own life as well. For now, though, let’s focus on what you can do for others.
Continue reading “Being Kinder To Others”The Gift Of Kindness You Deserve
You deserve to give yourself the gift of kindness!
In my last post in this end of year series I looked at the benefits of being kind to others. As we approach Christmas with all the stress and challenges it can bring alongside the joy I wanted to take a look at the benefits of being kind to you.
At this time of year when we give and receive gifts why not give yourself the gift of kindness!
Continue reading “The Gift Of Kindness You Deserve”How Your Kindness Helps Others
In the last post of this end of year series under the banner of #LetKindnessIn I asked whether Kindness really matters? In this post I will look at the many ways that kindness can impact on those around us.
Kindness is Contagious
One simple act of kindness act gives rise to others.
Continue reading “How Your Kindness Helps Others”