How Authentic Are You Being? A Series of Reflective Exercises

In my last post here and in a series of posts on LindkedIn I have looked at the issue of “Being Authentic” and living more of the life that we want to.

You can read the posts here: (please note they will open in new windows so that you can come back to the exercises below when you have read them)

There are many benefits to living more authentically, including:

  • Creating a closer connection between your public face and your inner truths
  • Regaining your integrity, wholeness
  • Strengthening relationships
  • Building connections based on honest communication
  • Making you more sociable because you will be a lot less self-conscious or hiding behind a facade

This sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? So how can you start discovering your authentic self, either all over again, or perhaps for the first time ever?

We’ve included the following in a separate worksheet or you can answer these on a piece of paper directly from this report.

Here are three sets of exercises that can help:

  1. Authenticity Exercise Set #1: Self-Assessment
  2. Authenticity Exercise Set #2: Success Strategies
  3. Authenticity Exercise Set #3: Learning to Say No and Mean It

Work your way through them in as honest a manner as possible. Use the three plain text files we have created for these exercises to type up you answers, or print out blank ones and use as the basis for a journal to help you work on being more authentic in all areas of your life.

Authenticity Exercise Set #1: Self-Assessment

  1. In what areas of your life do you experience the most disconnect from your true feelings? At work, in your marriage, etc.
  2. What stops you from being authentic in these particular areas of your life?
  3. What will help you make changes in these areas?
  4. What gets in the way of you making changes in these areas?
  5. What is one aspect of your personality that you would like to develop in order to become more authentic?
  6. What is one step you can take today to move forward with your goal in Question 5 that will help you develop your authenticity?

Authenticity Exercise Set #2: Success Strategies

  1. There are six main areas you can concentrate on which can help you become a more authentic person.
    1. Express Yourself – Consider different responses and choose the one that is healthiest for you.
    2. Accept Imperfection – Realize everyone makes mistakes and it is not the end of the world.
    3. Share a Burden – Write a letter; make a call; see a friend so you do not feel so alone.
    4. Look Forward, Not Back – Don’t beat yourself up over the past, but take steps for a better future.
    5. Face Your Inner Truth – Identify areas where you feel a disconnect and try to make positive changes.
    6. Ask for Help – Talk to friends, family, or a health professional.
  2. In looking over this list of six strategies, which area would be the easiest for you to start working on?
  3. What is one step you can take in this area to make a change?
  4. Identify which area would be the hardest for you to work on. Why?
  5. What is one step you can take today in this area to make a change for the better that will lead to you living a more authentic life?

Authenticity Exercise Set #3: Learning to Say No and Mean It

Here are some of the best ways to learn to say no, and mean it, without damaging relationships or feeling bad about your response:

  1. Make eye contact
  2. Use a firm tone of voice
  3. Keep your no simple and brief
  4. Don’t apologize
  5. Don’t make excuses
  6. Don’t worry about being disliked

Keep a journal of your progress in saying no and meaning it, and without feeling guilty about it.

Take the time to complete these sets of exercises, and you should soon see real progress in your ability to connect or re-connect with your authentic self.

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